Park History
John Scarbrough originally owned the land that our park Co-op is situated on and his family home became our Clubhouse. He formed the co-op in 1982 and lots began selling that year. For several years the majority of residents were renting and it wasn't until 1997 that the last of the Scarbrough lots were sold and we became a wholly owned co-op.
In the beginning there were no telephones, TV cable, fences or trees. Wooden pallets were used as patios. The only greenery was alfalfa and the neighbouring fruit orchards. In 1984, the palm trees arrived on a flatbed truck and were planted by the people then in the park. Planting areas were set up as "triangles" and cactus and fruit trees were planted in them.
All the people in the park helped with each and every project to improve the place. There were "Fun Days" and lots of dinners to raise money for various projects. A lot of items were donated and we had an occasional assessment to help with major improvements - like paving the roadways.
We finally got our own well in 1999 and put an addition onto the Clubhouse and replaced the roof.
Taken from 20th Anniversary Rancho Bonitos Cook Book